Why Customer Support = Startup Success

Why Customer Support = Startup Success

"Customer Support may be the most under-appreciated role in SaaS."
Helen and Justin talk about the importance of customer support for indie SaaS companies.
  • 1:08 The hardest part about podcasting is doing it every week
  • 1:38 We just launched the new podcast website themes feature.
  • 2:24 Getting feedback, or seeing people use your product, is fuel for indie makers
  • 6:08 Helen's experience doing Customer Success for other companies: education, ConvertKit, MakerPad.
  • 8:53 Justin's tweet: "Customer Support is the most under-appreciated role in SaaS."
  • 10:00 The different forms of customer support: pre-sales, in-depth bug fixing, answering questions.
  • 12:45 How does the Transistor team differ when we do support?
  • 14:39 What Justin's learned from Helen in terms of giving better customer service
  • 17:25 People expect us to be bots
  • 17:45 The number of tickets we get each week: it's about ~100 conversations per week:
    • 60-70% of those are new conversations,
    • 30-40% is us responding to existing threads.
  • 18:55 How we manage live chat so we can answer people fairly quickly
  • 29:10 More tips for indie hackers who are doing customer support

What should we talk about next?

Thanks to our monthly supporters:

  1. Mitchell Davis from RecruitKit.com.au
  2. Marcel Fahle, ​​wearebold.af
  3. Alex Payne
  4. Bill Condo
  5. Anton Zorin from ProdCamp.com
  6. Mitch
  7. Harris Kenny, Intro CRM podcast
  8. Oleg Kulyk
  9. Ethan Gunderson
  10. Chris Willow
  11. Ward Sandler, Memberspace
  12. Russell Brown, Photivo.com
  13. Noah Prail
  14. Colin Gray
  15. Austin Loveless
  16. Michael Sitver
  17. Paul Jarvis and Jack Ellis, Fathom
  18. Dan Buda
  19. Darby Frey
  20. Brad from Canada
  21. Adam DuVander
  22. Dave Giunta (JOOnta)
  23. Kyle Fox GetRewardful.com
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • Pascal from sharpen.page
  • Rewardful.com
  • Greg Park
  • Mitchell Davis from RecruitKit.com.au
  • Marcel Fahle, wearebold.af
  • Bill Condo (@mavrck)
  • Ward from MemberSpace.com
  • Evandro Sasse
  • Austin Loveless
  • Michael Sitver
  • Colin Gray
  • Dave Giunta

Want to start a podcast on Transistor? Justin has a special coupon for you: get 15% off your first year of hosting: transistor.fm/justin
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